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17 May 2024It's a Double!


Double wins for the Academy


Joey Gill left, Blake Russell centre

Matthew Russell left, Blake Knight centre

Academy riders Blake Russell and Joey make it a double podium in the 2nd round of the West Midlands Circuit Series U10 category, soon after team mates Blake Knight and Matthew Russell did the smae in the U12 category

Winning in pairs isn't unusal for Cycle Stars commented Steve Preston Coach, we coach riders to work as a team, so you usually find a CS rider being led out by a team mate. There are some very strong riders in the youth series and we can't expect our riders to be the best, but working together makes it a whole new ball game and our strenth is in our team. 

17 May 2024New Kid on the block!


Cycle Stars were racing at tthe weekend at Odd Down Cycle Track nr Bath, hosted by Sullis Scorpions.

This was a Go-Ride Race which is a great place to start racing. Jacob Gill has been a Rookie Racer with Cycle Stars and has only recently moved up to Race Club. Well if the weekend is anything to go by, Jacob will be a real assett to the club having taken first place in the U10 category.

Jacob was joined by team mate Izzy Jones, who is no stranger to he podium and also came first in the U12 Girls Category.

When talking to Jacob after the race, he said he has been inspired by two of our U10 Academy riders, Blake Russell on the left and Joey Gill on the right of the picture below.

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