

As the title describes 'Rookie Racers' are young riders that like to go fast but haven't yet got the skills or confidence to start racing. 

Riders start Rookie Racers as young as 5 years old, we Cycle Stars coaches teach them the skills to ride their bikes safely and confidently and we are always pushing their ability.

Riders join Rookie Racers in the first instance just to have the opportunity to ride their bikes, make friends and have fun. Many riders go on to join our Race Club and start competing.

Sessions available:

Rookie Racers do Cyclocross - Saturday 10-11am Belmont School, Cheltenham.

Rookies are riding off-road, learning to ride using a variety of obstacles such as ramps and seesaws.

Rookie Racers on track - Saturday 2-3pm Evesham Velopark 

Rookies on track, we teach children to ride in close proximity to others, cornering, racing starts and sprints. We use aperatus such as limbo bars, bean bags and hoops to improve riders capabilities and experience. A typical session, starts with 30 minutes learning new skills and 30 minutes racing.

You can join a Rookie Racers for a free taster session, if you like it and want to continue you will be invited to join Cycle Stars. To join a session you must wear a helmet and complete a consent form. Riders use their own bikes, however we do have a few bikes that can be loaned.

Email Cycle Stars for more details.








Cycle Partners
Cycling Time Trials
British Cycling
Cycle Stars Academy
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