14 March 2023
School league race St Marks vs St James

This was always going to be a big race, with the current regional champions St James take on the former champions St Marks and it didn't disappoint. Team Captains Josh St Marks and Izzy St James started the relay with a blistering start. Both riders are part of the Cycle Stars racing team and formidable apponents.

Izzy managed to get a lead on Josh, but harried Izzy for the full length of the course, Pippa racing for St Marks took over the challenge and began to grow the lead on St James. For the first 4 laps there was very little between the teams when disaster struck for St James. One of their less experienced riders crashed through the barrier on a corner losing valuable time. The team were shouting their support and an urgent plea to recover, but on the next lap, the same happened again and this time there was to be no recovery.

St Marks won the race by half a lap to take the lead in the school league.

The event finished with a vistory lap from St Marks to the applause of St James, showing good sportsmanship. St Marks now go on to race Lakeside who previously lost to St James. Lakeside are hungry for a win so to could be a nail biting event.

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