08 January 2023
CYCLE Stars success at WMCCL Chillington



West Midlands Cyclcross League Round 13

The weekend saw the last race of the WMCCL.

Cycle Stars celebrated with two podium finishes and some high placings. 

This was the first season in cyclocross for Cycle Stars, who historically are more known for road cycling. Riders representing the club were also competing in their first season of racing.

We didn't dissapoint, all season our riders have been getting stronger, with Izzy riding in the U12 has been consistently on the podium.

On this occasion Blake racing in the U10s started at the back of the grid of 36 riders, managed to work his way to the front of the group to find team mate Josh running in third place. The lads worked together to close up on the two front leaders, with Blake finishing 3rd and Josh 4th

Team mate Seb who found himself held up by traffic, managed to finish in 13th postition.

In the U12 we had two riders, Izzy finishing in 2nd place in the girls category, admitted she wasn't feeling her best and found the groundy boggy and slow going. Theo who at the last minute borrowed a bike after finding his bike had become clogged with mud, rode strongly finishing 14th.

Cycle Stars will now be focussing on Closed Circuit (Road) events but have vowed to return next season with a bigger and stronger team

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British Cycling
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