10 July 2022

St Marks host the BSCA Grass Track Championships

For the second year Cheltenham was the location for the 2022 school grass track champonships. This years event was hosted by St Marks Junior Schoo

44 riders from local schools met to compete for the honour of winning for their school. This years championships was won by St James, narrowly beating last years champions St Marks.

School events is the perfect location for Grass Root cycling and spotting chapions of the future.



Ellyn riding for St James Primary finished in first place closely followed by Jack also from St James. They went on to win the team trophy with school friends in the Italian pursuit.








As for spotting future stars, meet Izzy Age 9 racing for St Marks. Not content with winning the U9 race category, she went on to race in the U11 race category and came 4th against a very competitive field. Izzy's Dad Ash said she is now hooked on cycle racing and is now a member of the Cycle Stars racing team.




Another notable rider was Josh riding for St James. Josh came a close second in the U9 and went on to lead his team to victory in the Italian Pursuit. Like Izzy Josh wants to race more and has also joined Cycle Stars. 

We expect to hear more from both riders in the coming months.





One rider we are aware of is Dylan, already a member of Cycle Stars. Dylan has got an incredible turn of speed, however this year he was beaten by Oliver from Halesowen ACC pictured below alongside Theo also from Cycle Stars who finished 3rd.

There were many memorable moments and we would like to mention all the riders. Congratulations to everyone who competed and we hope to see you again next year.



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