24 June 2023
Cycle Stars at Children's Festival

No Children left behind was the theme for the Children's festival in Cheltenham. Cycle Stars were very pleased to be invited to host a display of cycling activities . The above picture was taken early in the day but we ended up having 150 children visit our stand. Cycle Stars coaches were on hand to give tuition to the children wanting to have a go on our mini race course or the obstacle course.

The event has resulted in several children joining Cycle Stars, it also highlighted a problem. Several children were refugees from Ukraine that didn't have bikes or the fnds to participate in Cycle Stars activities.

For this reason Cycle Stars has set aside funding to allow children in speial circumstances to join us for free! We coach at Belmont School who has kindly agreed for us to use the bikes provided by charity for children with special needs. If we find some future stars that needs support, Cycle Stars has pledged to provide equipment and help fund racing expenses.


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British Cycling
Cycle Stars Academy
Cycling Time Trials
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